I made an intentional choice that has helped me to better love you & minister to & with you. And, isn’t that what this season of Lent is calling us to? To make an intentional, conscious, deliberate choice to love God & one another more. Whatever practices we’ve undertaken during these Lenten days...our prayer, fasting, & almsgiving, shouldn’t they be practices that are going to intentionally help us to be a more loving, caring, compassionate disciple of Jesus Christ? They should.
I know that over the past month or so, you’ve been hearing about some of the upcoming changes that we’re looking at around both parishes, especially when it comes to our Masses. It’s not easy to think about change, is it? But, while change isn’t easy, I wanted you to know how much my dad is trying to do his best to help guide you through this.
This week we begin our Lenten journey as Ash Wednesday falls on Valentine’s Day. So many will use Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to express their love to someone significant in their life. Such as buying flowers, chocolates or sharing a meal together.
Over the next two weeks we will have two opportunities to experience the Eucharist in action. Certainly we will experience the Eucharist in action in our celebrations of the Mass as we receive Jesus; Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. Our reception of His Body and Blood within us is what leads us to action. As we receive Jesus into us, we are called to bring Him into the world.