I just wanted to write a quick note to say thank you for all the prayers & support at the passing of my father. On behalf of my mom, my 2 brothers & me, my dad’s sisters, & our entire family, thank you!
OUR ANNUAL PARISH SUMMER RAFFLE will be a virtual one again this year. Tickets are available for pickup as you leave Mass. Each family is asked to take a packet containing 10 books of tickets ($50.00). If you have a neighbor or relative who has not come back to church yet, would you please pick up a pack for them too!
This weekend, I wanted to provide an update on some of the capital projects that we have ongoing around the parish campus. First, an update on our stained glass windows. It was a number of weeks ago now that the stained glass window panels in the choir loft were removed. The panels were taken by Azure Stained Glass to their studios where they are working on the renovation & restoration process.
Happy 4th of July! I hope that you are enjoying these summer months and taking advantage of the wonderful weather that we’ve been having! The other day, I read an article about the health benefits of spending time outside. It is so true, spending time outside in nature, whether it be taking a walk in the woods or sitting outside on the back or front deck can have tremendous health effects such as lowering our blood pressure and our stress.