As we continue our journey through the Mass, let’s begin where it begins, with the Sign of the Cross. Every Mass that we celebrate always begins the same way, with all of us standing together & saying, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
The Sign of the Cross is a gesture that we do all the time. We do it when we begin Mass, we do it whenever we pray outside of Mass, we probably also make it a number of other times throughout the day. But what exactly are we doing when we make that simple, but at the same time profound, gesture? Whenever we make the Sign of the Cross we are, in a very conscious way, placing ourselves in the presence of God. We are always in God’s presence, yes, but in making the Sign of the Cross & saying those words that accompany it, we’re consciously reminding ourselves of where we are & that God is with us.
When we make the Sign of the Cross we are doing several things. We are reminding ourselves of our Baptismal identity, that we are God and God is in us. As we come together to celebrate Mass, we draw close to God & God draws close to us. God is inviting us into a relationship with Him. When we sign ourselves with the Sign of the Cross we are reminding ourselves in word & in gesture that we are in a very real union with God. We don’t need to feel alone in the face of all the problems in the world, we are in communion with God. The Sign of the Cross is much more than simple words & actions, it’s a very profound gesture that reminds us who & whose we are.
Have a great week & we’ll continue our journey through the Mass next week!