On this first day of October, we celebrate and observe Respect for Life Sunday. As Catholics, we are called to cherish, defend, and protect the gift of life in all its stages, from the beginning of life to its end, and at every point in between. The gift of life is a sacred gift, given to us by God, and we’re called, on this Sunday, and in this month dedicated to focus and reflect more deeply on that gift and the dignity of each and every human life.
The attacks against the sacredness of each and every life are many in our society today. From abortion, to assisted suicide, the death penalty, a lack of respect for the handicapped and disabled, our society seems to have forgotten that life is not our own to do with as we please, but a sacred gift entrusted to us by God, our creator. As St. John Paul II wrote, “It is impossible to further the common good without acknowledging and defending the right to life, upon which all the other inalienable rights of individuals are founded and from which they develop.” (Evangelium Vitae 1995, no. 102).
As Catholics, we must not remain quiet in the face of these attacks on the sanctity and the gift of each and every human life. While our society may try to convince us that life is ours to do whatever we want with, to begin and end as we so choose, our faith tells us a different story. No human life is expendable, and it is not up to us to determine the value of an individual life. It is not our choice as to when life begins or ends. Each and every life is a gift from God, a gift from the womb to the tomb. There are certainly many ways we might advocate for the gift of life in this Respect Life month, maybe we might pray a Rosary or make a Holy Hour with the intention of a greater respect for life, for example.
But not only are we called to speak out, we are also called to act. We are to act in a way that helps others to make the choice for life. We are called to work for conditions that promote & enhance life. We’re called, not to speak out against a lack of respect for life, but also to speak for life in the way we live. Doing what we can to make sure that each and every human life is respected from its natural beginnings to its natural endings.
With conviction & also with gentleness, compassion, & mercy, let us together pray and work in a special way in this Respect Life month, but also each and every day. Together may we work for a greater respect throughout our culture for the dignity of every life, for life truly is a great gift of God!