Happy Easter! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! He is risen! As we gather together to celebrate this joyous day, please know of my prayers and best wishes on this most holy day! Thank you to all those who have helped to make today’s celebration
possible! And a special thank you to all of you for coming together to celebrate & rejoice in Jesus’ resurrection!
At the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday night, we celebrated with great joy as we welcomed Randall, now the most newly initiated member of our parish family through the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, & Eucharist. As we celebrate & rejoice in Randall’s entrance into our faith & our community let us also recommit ourselves to living out our faith in a renewed way. This Lenten season we have been dared to be different. We’ve been dared to love more, to listen more, to be more compassionate, more joyful. We’ve been dared to look differently at ourselves, at others, & maybe even at God, so that we can be better, & maybe in a more concrete way. We are called, not just to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, we are called to live it as well. We are called to be an Alleluia people & live lives that proclaim & show that Jesus is alive.
On this Easter day & in this Easter season may we truly proclaim in word & deed that Jesus is risen & alive in our world today. Alleluia!