If you haven’t already heard, next Saturday, January 23rd, will be my final live-stream of the Holy Mass here at St. Patrick Parish. My schedule has become so full that it did not include time for myself. Working a full-time job, maintaining 5 websites (I’ve been a freelance website developer since 2000), and my jobs at SVdP has not allowed me to have what I’ve been looking for...a social life. It has been like this during the pandemic. It was hard to make a decision on what to eliminate. So I have eliminated some things I did at SVdP and the live-streaming here at St Pats. This will now allow me to do things with my family and visit with friends as I’m able to. I will miss it, as it is something I like to do. I will be continuing to stream over at SVdP, my home parish. I would like to thank all of the great people of St. Patrick Parish for their support and allowing me to help bring the celebration of Mass into their homes (virtually, of course). I will remain on as your parish webmaster (one who maintains a website).
Please know that I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and I ask for you to keep me in yours. May our good and gracious God continue to watch over you and your families!