The purpose of this policy is to briefly explain our Parish Communications and event planning strategy and to provide guidelines for the various methods of communication available in our parish as well as for all events held at the parish. All information that is published and communicated by our Parish & events held at our parish will be in alignment with our Vision and will promote the further building of the Kingdom of God on earth.
In keeping with these goals, the following general guidelines are given…
All submissions will be reviewed and approved by the Pastor or his delegate.
The Parish reserves the right and the ability to edit submissions or to correct errors or conserve space as needed.
Submissions should be short and concise.
Those submitting should include their contact information (name, phone number, email) in case any questions or clarifications are needed.
The presence of a photograph or image online does not automatically mean the parish has the right to copy or use the photo or image. Those rights belong to the photographer or publisher. If you are unsure, contact the office prior to the artwork usage.