Our Summer Raffle Winners of $1,000, $500, and $300 will be drawn at our Parish Picnic here on our Parish Grounds on August 7, 2022.
Tickets are available for pickup from the baskets located at the church doors as you leave Mass. Each family is asked to take a packet containing 10 books of tickets ($50.00). If you have a neighbor or relative who has not come back to church yet, please pick up a pack for them too! This is our biggest fundraiser of the year. Please help us to raise money for the many repairs that are necessary on our Parish grounds
Additional tickets will be available at the Church entrances or in the Rectory Office during regular business hours. Please make every effort to sell these tickets. You can drop your sold tickets into the collection basket or the rectory mailbox located at the front door.
If you would like to purchase tickets but are not able to pick them up, you can send your name, address, money and a self-addressed stamped envelope to the Rectory and we will fill out the tickets and send your stubs to you.
If you cannot sell all your tickets, please drop the unsold ones into the collection basket too. Thank you