Please help us with the biggest fundraiser of the year, St. Patrick’s Parish Raffle. The money raised goes for the many repairs and improvements that are needed on our Parish grounds. Tickets are available on the tables at the church entrances after the 4:30 pm Saturday and 11 am Sunday Masses or at the rectory during regular business hours.
Tickets, money and unsold tickets can be turned into the collection basket or at the rectory. The drawing of the winners of $1,000, $500 and $300 will take place virtually at Church on Tuesday, August 11. If you cannot pick up tickets but would like to help out, please send your name, address, money ($1 each or book of 6 for $5) and a self addressed stamped envelope to St. Patrick's 4427 Rocky River Dr. Cleveland, 44135 and we will fill out your tickets and send you the stubs!!! Like the times we are living in nothing is ordinary about this raffle. Please help us to make it a success and make every effort to sell/buy these tickets. Questions call Maureen 216-267-8111.
Tickets must be turned in by 1:00 pm on August 11 in order to get into the drum for the drawing!