How great it was last weekend to begin to return to the ways that we have been used to! It was great to have our cantors back to lead us in singing, to have our ushers taking up the collection at the usual time, & to have everyone coming forward again for Communion. And it was great to see your smiling faces again! As time goes on I look forward to working with you to continue to make our parish alive in Christ. The pandemic caused us to pause some of those events & caused us to alter some of the ways that we were alive in Christ. Now, we look forward to rebuilding our life and even bringing some new life to the corner of Rocky River & Puritas. As we bring that life back, I need your help to do that. I would like to extend to you an invitation to consider joining one of the two councils that help bring life to our parish & set the vision for where that life will lead us, our Parish Pastoral Council & our Parish Finance Council.
Our Parish Finance Council helps to ensure that we are responsible stewards of the generous gifts of treasure that you make to our parish. If you have some type of financial or law background, please consider joining our Finance Council. As we make decisions about parish capital improvement projects, set our budget for the year, & other financial decisions, we need the voices of our Finance Council to help guide our course. If you have a financial or law background, or are skilled in areas such as accounting/finance, personnel/property management, please consider reaching out to me.
Our Parish Pastoral Council works with me to set the vision for our parish, where our life will lead. The members of our Parish Pastoral Council have a love for our parish & provide me with input, support, & guidance, as we move forward together. This isn’t my parish, this is our parish, & so in order to move forward & continue to be alive in Christ, I need & depend upon your input. Please consider joining our Parish Pastoral Council & helping to lend your voice to our vision. If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to me as well. Have a blessed week!